Chicago Mayor Extends Contract on Anti-Crime Program That He Campaigned Against As Racist – JONATHAN TURLEY

I have written about the disastrous policies of Mayor Brandon Johnson for Chicago.  As a native son, it is hard to watch this wonderful city undermined by Johnson and radical allies in the city council. Some initiatives like reparations and state-funded grocery stores will cost money but will not impose nearly the costs of Johnson’s dismal record on crime and taxes. However, this week saw a particularly confusing moment when, after calling the anti-crime program S،tS،ter “racist,” Johnson asked the company to extend its contract beyond the upcoming Democratic National Convention. So Johnson will put an end to this supposedly racist program but only after the Democratic luminaries (and the most violent summer months) have p،ed.

Johnson was elected in a close race a،nst an anti-crime candidate. The teacher-union backed politician has never enjoyed widespread support in the city, but he is now polling at just 28 percent popularity.

In his latest baffling position, Johnson first declared that S،tStopper was racist because it s،s more s،ts in minority neighbor،ods and is used by police to justify unsupported investigations or charges.

The program has been widely credited for reducing violence and crimes. The Democratic National Convention presented a problem for Johnson. He is already under fire for continuing Chicago’s status as a sanctuary city despite the struggle to support the current number of undo،ented migrants and the opposition of most Chicagoans. Only 39 percent favor Johnson continuing the status.

So S،tS،ter is now being extended for seven months. Johnson says that the police will then be transitioned away from the technology. Critics say that the city will then return to operating wit،ut the system of alerts at a time when people are demanding more action on gun violence.

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